Does the cost of using a particular type of junk removal service include liability coverage in case something goes wrong during the job?

What insurance is needed for commercial garbage disposal operations? In a nutshell, there are three types of insurance you'll need to get. The first is general liability insurance. The second is commercial auto insurance. Finally, the third is workers' compensation insurance.

With these three types of coverage, your moving company will be able to mitigate risks and be protected in the event of a variety of different problems. For example, a car accident involving your truck will be covered by your commercial auto insurance. In the event of accidental damage to the customer's property, you can use general liability insurance. And of course, workers' compensation will cover an injured employee's medical expenses.

Professional liability insurance covers legal costs when a debris removal company is sued for a mistake or carelessness. It is also called errors and omissions insurance (E&O). The short answer is no, you don't need to have insurance coverage to be a charger. While we strongly recommend that you purchase some type of coverage, you can do without it.

Generally, choosing to get your garbage removal insurance from an independent agent is a more “personal” relationship. To protect your debris removal business, your reputation, and your peace of mind, you need debris removal insurance. One of the challenges when starting your garbage collection business is that you don't have the foresight to know what risks you should protect your company from. Junk Removal Authority can offer you the tools, information, and experience you need to start and grow YOUR garbage disposal business.

To help mitigate any liability derived from previous injuries and prevent future injuries, garbage removal employees should wear protective equipment, such as back braces and gloves that don't cut for lacerations. As a charger, you can also buy a tool cover to protect your personal equipment that you use when collecting and assembling garbage. General liability insurance will cover you in the event that you don't move an item to your garbage truck, but instead cause damage while maneuvering around the customer's home. Since garbage removal companies are more susceptible to accidents or injuries due to increased exposure on the road, it's important to specify which employees are “drivers”; otherwise, additional charges will result if damage occurs.

Just like you want to be protected on the road with commercial car insurance, the same thing happens when you do garbage removal work. In addition, it's important to consider employees who often seek employment at a garbage removal company; many are younger employees with a higher turnover rate. The best policy when it comes to determining how to get garbage removal insurance is to buy as much insurance as you can afford. That's why LoadUp encourages chargers to take out general liability insurance long before they undertake their first job of assembling or removing garbage.

With Insureon, debris and garbage removal companies can get insurance coverage the same day they request quotes. We hope this has provided you with valuable information when purchasing garbage removal insurance.

Ginger Arguelles
Ginger Arguelles

Award-winning troublemaker. Professional web junkie. Avid entrepreneur. Hardcore decluttering fanatic.

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